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Vegetable Planting Schedule, Hardiness Zone Look-up, & Germination Temperature Chart

Jan 24,2024 | SeedsParty

If there’s one thing that every gardener learns, — timing is everything.  The path to a healthy harvest always starts with basic foresight and planning.  The Vegetable & Herb Timing tables below provide the basics for scheduling your conventional and vertical Garden Tower plantings. And don’t forget to check out the Seed Germination versus Temperature chart to make sure your plants stay on schedule!

Gardening with a high-volume container system like the SeedSparty gives you a head start, literally. In a sunny location, soil in the Garden Tower will heat up faster (and retain a higher temperature) than in conventional gardens. If nighttime frost protection can be provided for (tarps, garden fleeces, bed sheets, large trash bag, etc.), the typical traditional planting schedule can often be moved forward an entire month.

Use the data below to learn both when to start your seeds and when to transplant outdoors.

Hardiness Zone Look-up:
Unsure of your hardiness zone? Look it up precisely by state in a few seconds here: Growing-zones


Vegetable and Herb Planting Schedule: USDA Zones 1-6 

Seed Germination versus Temperature: (use the table below to ensure your seeds stay on schedule!)

